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Selectmen Minutes 08/15/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
August 15, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT: Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.  Excused: Chairman MacCleery

Selectman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:02pm.     

SUBJECT: Highway Department      
PRESENT: Road Agent, David Kenneally
David informed the Board of an emergency situation that has developed on Webster Mills Road.  There is water running up through the middle of the road in the area of the bridge replacement work.  This is outside the scope of the project and will have to be taken care of by the Town.  An extra 350 feet of under drain trenches will have to be installed.  This will put the bridge project out a week. Merrill Construction is ready to pave as scheduled but will have to wait until next Monday.  Selectman Colbert and Selectman DeBold approved the expenditure.

The highway department will be replacing the large culvert on King Road.  Mr. Kenneally will be responsible for notifying the Police and Fire Departments.  

Mr. Kenneally thanked the Library Trustees for allowing him to speak to the Board in advance of their scheduled appointment.

SUBJECT: Library Well - Update
PRESENT: Library Trustees; Pat Hauck, Carolee Davison, Lucille Noel and Librarian, Lisa Prizio   
The Trustees have inquired with two of the well contractors as to the possibility of deferring the final payment (should the depth of the well go beyond what money is available) until after town meeting in March 2007.  Taskers Well Company will take a Promissory Note with no interest and Gilford Well will take a Promissory Note with 1% interest.    

Selectman DeBold has spoken to the Water Well Board and has reviewed the septic approval for the library lot. The 75’ well radius from abutting property lines will require a waiver from the property owners acknowledging the well will be located within the 75’.  Selectman DeBold will check with NHDES, to confirm the placement of the septic as shown on the septic design for the library.  Both Selectmen present, are in support of the library installing their own well.  Selectman Colbert suggested seeking a price for a pounded well versus a drilled well.  Perhaps water would be discovered at an earlier depth.  Selectman DeBold will research the names of area contractors and forward the information to the trustees.  A call will be made to Town Counsel inquiring the authority needed to initiate a Promissory Note.   A meeting was scheduled for next week at 8:00pm to finalize a decision on this project.

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BOS minutes
August 15, 2006


Clarification for the Building Inspector – Time Limitation on a Building Permit

Selectmen Colbert and DeBold concur with the Building Inspector, Mr. Paveglio’s interpretation of the Building Regulations/Ordinance & Authorization of a Building Inspector, Town of Chichester, as amended 9/6/2001, #5;d - 2. Time Limitations, in that the building permit issued to Karl Merrill on 1/4/2005, with no work having been started on the project, will expire on 9/4/2006 and may be offered to the first person on the waiting list. Doug Hamel’s permit will expire in January, unless building gets underway.    

Item d – 2. reads – All new construction whether for residential dwelling purposes or commercial or industrial must have the entire exterior frame completed and a commercial grade of siding and roofing applied within 18 months of the date of issuance of the building permit.  The Building Inspector is authorized, with good cause, to issue an extension of 30, 60, or 90 days, and assess and collect applicable fees.    Key words focused on were must and date of the issuance of the building permit.  

The permit may be re-issued according to the zoning regulations, Article III, L-Section II, #2-3; Unused Permits, which states; Permits for new residential dwelling units that are issued and not utilized shall be issued to the first person on the waiting list of completed applications.

Lisa has not been able to verify notice to the town or library regarding the public hearing for the church expansion project.  She will ask the planning secretary to review her files.  

The budget schedule and recommendations on spending was tabled until a full board could vote.

Names were suggested for possible candidates to fill the Planning Board vacancy. This was tabled until a full Board was present.

Portland Glass was approved for the window repairs in the grange hall.

An estimate for the additional repairs was looked at and the suggestion to hire a general  
handyman was discussed.  This person would be on an as needed basis and be responsible for minor repairs to all the town buildings that may include light carpentry, plumbing or painting.  Lisa was asked to draft an advertisement for the Board’s review next week.  In the meantime, a contractor must carry workers compensation insurance to perform any work for the town.  

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BOS minutes
August 15, 2006

References were checked for CLD Engineering.  They were favorable.  Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Colbert, that following review of Requests for Proposals, the recommendation from the Planning Board and inquiries into references, the Board of Selectmen appoint CLD Engineering as the Town Engineer with the stipulation that they do so with a six month probationary period.  Both were in favor.  Motion carries.   


Lisa has discovered the current process of issuing payroll with the pay period ending when it does and the checks not available until the pay date being used, violates the Department of Labor Laws.  She has rectified the present situation and that is why the Board will be signing checks tonight for two different pay periods.  Going forward the Board must decide whether or not to petition the DOL Commissioner to pay either bi-weekly or monthly or change the schedule to comply within the eight day time restriction.  Motion Selectman Colbert seconded by Selectman DeBold to move the pay date from Wednesday to Friday effective, August 25, 2006.  Both were in favor.  Motion carries.  Notices have been placed with employees’ checks and all those not receiving a check this week will be sent one in the mail.

The Board signed a Timber Tax Levy in the amount of $569.66, on Map 9 Lot 100.  

The Board signed an Excavation Tax Levy in the amount of $20.00, on Map 8 Lot 50.  

The first bond disbursement needs authorization.  Motion Selectman DeBold seconded Selectman Colbert to authorize Chairman MacCleery to process the necessary paperwork to cover the invoice from Merrill Construction in the amount of $132,388.32.  Both were in favor.  Motion carries.  

Selectman Colbert discussed a call he received from a Holly Larochelle regarding the ditch on Deer Run Road.  She feels it is too deep and a guardrail should be placed.  Lisa was directed to forward this concern to the Road Agent and the Road Advisory Committee.

Options for the care and maintenance of Shaw’s Field were discussed.  Mowing arrangements will have to be made since no sheep have been grazing this year.  For the future, leasing the land for farming may be considered.  Selectman DeBold had a conversation with Mr. Fred Shaw regarding recent mowing that had taken place around the garden area.  Neither party knows who has been doing the mowing. The Board asked Lisa to talk to Mr. Shaw about bushwhacking the field.

An e-mail received from Shari Demers regarding the lighting of fireworks on her property was forwarded to Chief Clarke for investigation.
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BOS minutes
August 15, 2006

The Board signed a letter to be sent to the Town Organization Committee requesting the committee establish some meetings.  

Selectman Colbert expressed his disappointment with the lack of regular trash removal at Carpenter Park.  The Parks and Recreation Commission needs to address this issue and perhaps establish user fees if necessary.  The Selectmen would like to put the Youth Association on notice that the conditions are unacceptable.

Also, the basketball court needs to be sealed.  This needs to be kept in mind when developing the budget for next year.  

Being no further business, Selectman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 11:05pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant   

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman   

David Colbert  

Richard DeBold  

                                                              APPROVED AS WRITTEN